BBC: Most people are familiar with acupuncture’s effectiveness for pain.hgh for sale Most importantly for pain, it can prevent chronic pain syndromes where the nervous system still produces pain signals even in the absence of the original problem. In 1997, the NIH came up with a list of diseases for which the scientific literature supported efficacy, Acupuncture also is great for a number of psychological conditions.

That list was much shorter than what acupuncture has traditionally treated, of course. Since 1997, even more studies have shown effectiveness for early post-stroke, acute spinal cord injury, as an adjunct in alcoholism, labor pain, migraine, post-surgical nausea and vomiting, and as part of a smoking cessation program.

These are the highest quality studies: randomized placebo-controlled trials (RCT’s) with more than 33 subjects per group. There are plenty more studies that don’t meet that high standard, but still may offer valuable insights for clinical practice.which included nausea and vomiting, pain, tennis elbow, menstrual cramps, and fibromyalgia.

There is currently a study of acupuncture for high blood pressure going on at Harvard, and early reports are that it’s very effective. I personally got a diabetic man disqualified from his free blood pressure medication study with a modern Chinese point prescription. Our weekly acupuncture treatments brought his blood pressure down below the study’s minimum requirement.
There are 17 other RCT’s currently ongoing, all funded by the National Institutes of Health. AS: Do you think that the modern western medicine has failed in curing certain kind of diseases like backaches, mental tension, or headaches?BBC: It always depends on the cause. For backaches, we need an x-ray to see if the spine is involved. For a backache or headache due to a tumor

, I would certainly want MRI’s and CT scans, and surgery. Of course, for cancer, we can do drug or Chinese herb chemotherapy. Or you can do drug chemo with supportive herbs to boost the immune system. For headaches, acetaminophen, aspirin, and NSAID’s are very useful, though acetaminophen is the leading cause of liver failure in hospitals, and NSAID’s can cause stomach ulcers.

The new triptan drugs for migraines are very helpful for the acute migraine, but may not be as good as acupuncture and herbs for preventing recurrence. For any stubborn problems, or those for which western medicine cannot find the cause, acupuncture and herbs are superior.

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